Katchy Indoor Insect Trap - An Effective Solution for Pesky Insects

With its triple trapping power of a UV light, powerful fan, and sticky glue board, this non-zapper trap effectively catches and kills small bugs. Say goodbye to ugly traps and welcome a subtle and decorative piece that can be easily placed in your home, kitchen, or office. In this review, I will share my personal experience with the Katchy Indoor Insect Trap and conclude with my overall thoughts on its performance.

I was struggling with an infestation of fruit flies, gnats, and drain flies in my kitchen. I had tried various fruit fly traps and baits, but none of them seemed to make a significant difference. That’s when I came across the Katchy Indoor Insect Trap and decided to give it a try. I must say, I am extremely pleased with its performance.

Setting up the trap was a breeze, except for filling the liquid bait capsule on top. The instructions were not very clear, and it took me some time to figure out how to open and close the capsule properly. However, once I marked the tiny protrusions on the top and base of the capsule for reference, it became much easier to handle.

I primarily used the trap in automatic mode, which turns on when the room is dark, as this is the most effective time to attract and capture flies. The device works by luring flies with apple cider vinegar in the bait capsule and sucking them in with the powerful fan, trapping them on the sticky glue board. I found that refilling the bait capsule every three days and rinsing the device regularly greatly improved its effectiveness.

While the Katchy Indoor Insect Trap worked wonders in catching fruit flies, gnats, and mosquitos, it was not as effective in capturing house flies. It’s important to note that the trap is not designed to run 24/7, as it would significantly reduce its lifespan. Overall, I am impressed with its performance in tackling the specific insects it targets.

Katchy Indoor Insect Trap: Triple Trapping Power

Katchy Indoor Insect Trap

With triple trapping power, the Katchy Indoor Insect Trap effectively eliminates fruit flies, gnats, and other small bugs. This innovative device combines a UV light, powerful fan, and sticky glue board to catch and kill insects. With just a simple on/off switch, you can easily control when to use the trap. Place it close to insect-ridden fruit, plants, or trash bins in your home, and turn off the lights for optimal results. The Katchy Indoor Insect Trap is a non-zapper trap, meaning there are no ugly and noisy electric shocks. It provides a subtle and stylish solution to your insect problem, easily blending into your home, kitchen, or office decor.

Katchy Indoor Insect Trap: Easy to Use

Katchy Indoor Insect Trap

Providing convenience and ease of use, the Katchy Indoor Insect Trap is specifically designed for that purpose. Simply choose between the standard or low-speed setting and let the trap work its magic. It has been EPA Est. Numb.:93372-CHN-1 certified, ensuring its effectiveness in killing fruit flies, gnats, and mosquitos. However, it is not effective in trapping house flies. The trap operates in automatic mode, turning on when the room is dark, which is the most effective time to attract and capture insects. It is not meant to run continuously for 24 hours, as this can reduce its lifespan. The trap works by attracting insects with the apple cider vinegar bait, sucking them in with the fan, and trapping them on the sticky glue board. When the board is full, simply replace it. Regularly refilling the bait capsule with apple cider vinegar and a drop of dish soap will ensure optimal performance. While the trap is easy to use, it is important to note that the liquid bait capsule can be a bit tricky to open and close, requiring some attention to detail.


  • The Katchy Indoor Insect Trap effectively catches and kills fruit flies, gnats, and other small bugs.
  • It is easy to set up and use, with a simple refill process for the bait capsule.
  • The trap is subtle and stylish, making it a decorative piece that can be placed in any room without looking like an ugly trap.


  • It is not effective in catching house flies.
  • The instructions for filling the bait capsule can be difficult to follow, especially for those with poor eyesight or hand strength.
  • There is no option to run the fan during the day without also running the UV light, which may not be ideal for those concerned about the effects of UV light.

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In conclusion, the Katchy Indoor Insect Trap is a reliable and stylish solution for indoor insect control. Its triple trapping power, subtle design, and ease of use make it a worthwhile investment. While it may not be as effective on house flies, it excels at catching fruit flies, gnats, and mosquitos. It’s important to follow the instructions for proper operation and maintenance, such as regularly refilling the bait capsule and replacing the sticky glue board.

If you are struggling with small insect infestations in your home, I highly recommend giving the Katchy Indoor Insect Trap a try. It has helped me significantly reduce the number of fruit flies and gnats in my kitchen, providing a more pleasant living environment. Say goodbye to annoying insects and hello to a cleaner, insect-free space with the Katchy Indoor Insect Trap.

Questions & Answers:

Question: How effective is the Katchy Indoor Insect Trap in catching fruit flies and gnats?

Answer: The trap is highly effective in catching fruit flies, gnats, and other small bugs. Many customers have reported a significant reduction in the number of insects after using this trap.

Question: Is the Katchy Indoor Insect Trap easy to use?

Answer: Yes, the trap is easy to set up and use. The refill process for the bait capsule may be a bit tricky, but once you get the hang of it, it becomes easier.

Question: Can the Katchy Indoor Insect Trap be used in any room?

Answer: Yes, the trap is designed to be subtle and stylish, making it suitable for placement in any room. It can be used in your home, kitchen, or office without looking like an unsightly trap.

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